Bitcoin fait des progrès dans la suppression de l'arriéré, mais la capacité du réseau Lightning et les canaux ont chuté en raison de la congestion

In the past week, the Bitcoin network has made progress in resolving its congestion issues. En mai 7, 2023, the number of unconfirmed transactions reached an all-time high of over 500,000 transferts, causing a major backlog. toutefois, as of today, cette…

Le jeton de gouvernance d'Arbitrum, ARB, se classe parmi les meilleurs 40 Capitalisations boursières après Airdrop

Suite au largage du jeton Arbitrum, ARB est devenu un top 40 crypto-monnaie car elle détient actuellement la 37e plus grande valorisation boursière sur plus de 23,000 monnaies numériques cotées. Actuellement, il y a une quantité en circulation de 1,275,000,000 BRA, et l'arbitrage…

Les flux et reflux de l’économie stable se poursuivent avec la capitalisation boursière du BUSD tombant en dessous $10 Gamme en milliards

The realm of stablecoins is an ever-evolving landscape and the number of coins in circulation for the stablecoin BUSD has fallen below the 10 billion mark to approximately 9.68 billion on March 3, 2023. Over the last 30 jours, BUSD’s token

Analyse en chaîne: Les revenus de l'arnaque cryptographique ont chuté 46% dans 2022

Revenue from cryptocurrency scams dropped 46% dans 2022, according to blockchain data analytics firm Chainalysis. “We attribute most of this decline to market conditions, as scam performance tends to worsen when cryptocurrency prices are in decline,” the firm explained. ‘Crypto Scam

Stablecoin Market Sees Supply Increase for Tether as Competitors Decline in Light of Recent Regulatory Developments

While the stablecoin market has seen significant redemptions in the past three months, the supply of tether, the largest stablecoin by market capitalization, has increased by 2.46 billion since mid-November 2022. Tether is the only one of the top five stablecoins

Le nombre mensuel de joueurs d’Axie Infinity tombe à un niveau jamais vu depuis novembre 2020

After recording $4.26 billion in total non-fungible token (TVN) Ventes, the play-to-earn game Axie Infinity’s monthly player count has dropped to levels not seen since November 2020, a period of 26 mois. Despite the low player count, the project’s native token,…

Les volumes mondiaux d'échanges de crypto-monnaie ont connu une baisse significative en décembre 2022

Selon les statistiques, daily cryptocurrency trade volumes have dropped significantly during Dec. 2022. On Jan. 1, data shows that $22.95 billion was traded in the last 24 heures, compared to double that amount, $54.78 milliard, two weeks earlier. On November 8,

Defi More Scalable Than Traditional Finance, New Study Says

Despite the market conditions that prevailed in much of 2022, finances décentralisées (défi) still demonstrated its greater scaling potential than that of the traditional financial industry, a new report has said. Even though the total value locked dropped from the peak

Bitcoin’s Total Hashrate Slides Lower in December as BTC Miners Struggle for Profits

While bitcoin prices have been lower than the estimated cost of bitcoin production, the networks hashrate has dropped a great deal since mid-November. construit à l'aide du réseau Solana a révélé que l'entreprise avait levé, the total hashrate dedicated to the Bitcoin network is coasting along at 236 exahash par seconde (EH/s)…

Binance’s Bitcoin Reserve Stash Nears 600,000, Company’s BTC Cache Is Now the Largest Held by an Exchange

Alors qu'il y’s been a lot of discussions concerning proof-of-reserves, self-custody, and the more than $5 billion in bitcoin and ethereum that left exchanges between Nov. 7 through Nov. 14, 2022, Binance’s bitcoin stash has grown significantly since Nov. 12. En fait,…